Advising and registration
The Chemistry Department recommends that you meet with your advisor at least once per year to ensure good planning and to keep on track for graduation.
If you do not have an advisor in your chosen field, you can get one assigned by declaring a major. To do so, log into myBanner and then select these links: Student, Student Records, and Change Major. Follow the online instructions.
If you are having trouble reaching your advisor, or if you have any other concerns, please contact Prof. Dave Leonard ([email protected], 331-3241)
If you are considering dropping a class, please first speak with your instructor to make sure you have an accurate understanding of your current grade. It is very important to determine how dropping a class might affect your financial aid, scholarships, athletic eligibility etc. For more information, see the following guide:
Decision Tree for Dropping a Class
If you choose to drop a class, you must do so before 5 pm of the Drop with a "W" Grade deadline, which is listed on the Registrar's Academic Calendar:
Dropping a class after the deadline is normally not possible, but if you have had a major change of circumstances and you would like to apply for a late withdrawal, it is necessary to fill out the following form. Please assume that request will be denied and continue attending class until you hear from the Chemistry Department:
The MyPath tool allows you to determine what degree requirements you have completed and those which you have yet to fulfil.
Advisors from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences advising office can provide help on university degree policies, general education requirements and pre-professional advising (preparing to medical, dental or veterinary school).
Drop-in tutoring for Chemistry classes is available at the Chemistry Success Center:
Appointment tutoring and drop-in tutoring are also available at the GVSU Tutoring Center:
If you would like to take a class at another school and have it count for a GVSU class, you check to see which courses are transferable at the following site:
For instructions on how to register for classes, please follow this link:
We will not approve any closed class permits until 3:00 p.m. on the Monday following the tuition deadline for the semester in which the student is trying to register. These deadlines can be found on the Registrar’s site:
If a class section is closed, students should check Banner frequently, especially
after the tuition payment deadline, to see if there is an open spot.
If there is still not an open spot by 3:00 p.m. on the Monday
following the tuition deadline students can attempt to register for
the desired section and when they get the “Closed Class” registration
error they can click the link at the bottom to request an
override. Note: We attempt not to overenroll classes so
students must make a good case for requiring a closed class permit.
Individual faculty cannot approve a closed class permit.
A student whose eligibility for financial aid is affected by
inability to enroll in a closed class should contact the Financial
Aid office at [email protected] or 331-3234 to
discuss options.
Students should login to Banner and attempt to register for the course. When they get the registration error “pre-requisite not met” they should click on the link at the bottom to request an override. If a student has taken/is taking a pre-requisite course at another institution he/she will need to send proof of completion/registration for that course to Prof. Dave Leonard ([email protected]) before the override can be processed. A screenshot of an unofficial transcript or schedule is fine as long as is has the name of the student, the name of the institution, the course name/number, and either the grade received or when the course is offered on it.
Note: It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that the course he/she plans to take transfers for the appropriate GVSU course and that he/she has the institution send an official transcript to GVSU as soon as grades for the course are posted so that the student’s Banner record can be updated.
If you are asking for a pre-requisite waiver for another reason (want to use a different GVSU course, want to take a pre-req as a co-req, etc.) you should be sure to provide as much information as possible in the reason box.
Students who wish to enroll in CHM 399, CHM 499, CHM 490 or CHM 498 can find the instructions at:
If you would like to change a component of a course (lab, lecture or discussion) without changing the others, directions to do so are found here:
If you need to take a chemistry course for the third time, you cannot make that request in Banner. You need a Repeat Limit Approval form, available on the Registrar’s “Student Forms” page at You will need to take the form to your faculty advisor, who will talk to you about why you have had trouble with the course in the past and what you can do to succeed this time. The advisor will sign the form. You then need to bring it to the Chemistry office in 312 PAD for signature by the Unit head or Associate Chair, and then to the Registrar’s desk in the Student Services building (150 STU).
General GVSU policies
In addition to the what you must do to finish an academic major, the university has a list of requirements that must also be met:
The Chemistry Department encourages students to apply for graduation at some point early in your final semester.
If during the late portion of a semester, your circumstances change in the such way that you are unable to complete a course, you may be eligible to receive a grade of "I" or Incomplete. After missing coursework is completed, usually within one semester, the incomplete is resolved and a final letter grade assigned. If you wish to pursue an incomplete, please contact your instructor. Please be aware that eligibility for an incomplete is governed by university policy.
Students who wish to repeat a class should carefully review GVSU policy to understand how grades for such classes impact GPA values:Repeat course policy
Students who retake CHM 109, 230, 231 or 232 are eligible to waive the laboratory portion of the class if they received a 90% or higher in the lab the first time. It is important to note that the course grade for the repeated class will be based on the lecture portion only. To apply for a lab repeat waiver, please fill out the following form:
In certain cases, students can opt to take a class on a credit/no credit basis. A grade of CR is awarded for semester grades of C or above, and a grade of NC is assigned for C- or lower. Details of when this option can be used are described by university policy:
The Chemistry Department is committed to the highest degree of academic integrity and follows the policies and procedures outlined by the university in all matters related to academic misconduct:
Course rotations
To see what year/semester particular courses will be offered, please see the course rotation schedule at the link below.
Prior curricular (pre-2016)
If you are a Chemistry major who enrolled under a catalog year prior to Fall 2016, please choose the appropriate emphasis from the list of Old Emphases to see a checklist of your degree requirements including new course substitutions that can be used to complete your degree requirements.